عمر والكيبيوتر

عمر والكيبيوتر

الاثنين، 22 فبراير 2010

Lettuce الخس

Lettuce الخس

Lettuce has a great historical Fame ..
The ancient Egyptians praised its benefits as food is good for the ability of citizenship, so they called the « fertility plant » .. It was also the main food of the Greeks .. It is likely that the lettuce have arisen first cultivated on the island (Cos. Lettuce) which is an ancient Greek islands. And enter the lettuce in the preparation of many cosmetic features as shown to moisturizing the skin and thus benefit the work of the insulating layer saves the skin from the sun and the impact of wind. Given the richness many vitamins and properties impact cleaner, it enters in the preparation of many of the nutrients the skin and facial cleansers.
Composition: Contains vitamin A, B 1, c, e. • fatty oils • protein • carbohydrates. Water. • The lettuce is rich in calcium and phosphorus, and iron • very few calories useful for those who follow the diet.
Uses lettuce and medical benefits:
1- wild lettuce has a weak effect similar to opium, and lettuce farm has the same effect is weaker, and differs from the effect of opium that the lettuce does not raise the alarm of the digestive system has a sedative effect and anesthetic, and sedative and hypnotic.2 - used in the treatment of edema (body blow entrapment of water), remove the gravel and sand and treated with gout.3 - lettuce has no effect antipyretic and increases perspiration and has a diuretic effect.4 - Removes intestinal colic and calm Revolution intestinal disorder such as diabetes Ibs called the colon earlier.5 - helps to start sleeping in cases of insomnia, especially with onions.6 - Removes cough and spasm towns.7 - lettuce remover thirst and benefit in cases of summer heat and sunstroke.8 - lettuce and the sensitivity of anti-histamine substance, removes itching and skin rashes and allergic nasal obstruction.9 - used in the psychiatric moderator to nerves and tanning agent of tension and frustration, and it continually address the madness.10 - remover of depression and epilepsy.11 - tonic and hair tonic and useful for their health as well.12 - green outer leaves very rich in iron and chlorophyll, addresses the weakness of the blood and strengthens the body, and chlorophyll remover of mouth and body odors and breath smell of rotting race.13 - the inner layer, which are yellow and green leaves are useful for the treatment of palpitations and swelling and accelerate the heart, and diseases of the heart muscle.14 - bearing milk in the udder.15 - appetizing in power and future of food, mixed with the acid or vinegar, and laxative nature.16 - tonic for the liver and prevent jaundice.17 - Good to deal with corneal ulcers and inflammatory eye disease trachoma in particular, and strengthens the sight due to the presence of vitamin A in it.
Prohibitions:Prevented from eating infected with:- Disease of impotence and the Senate advanced age.- Ill blood circulation in the brain such as strokes, blotting in the arteries of the brain, and Parkinson's.

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