Bee glue (propolis) صمغ النحل
Propolis is a substance that vitamin antiseptic and antibiotic normally works to strengthen the body's immune system and help to resist the illness or disease and thus preserving the vitality of the body and the safety of its members. At a time in which to kill harmful bacteria, it is not exposed to the beneficial bacteria on the performance of their functions, and this property is not found in industrial antibiotics, which kill all bacteria without discrimination and is one of the foods of new food and help to anti-aging, heart disease and diseases skin, stomach, intestine and colon cancer, and cancer, it helps to reduce property of Propolis for cancer. In 1988 Matsino Professor of the Institute of Cancer Research at Columbia University in New York, could revealed several of the compounds isolated from Brazilian Propolis have a fatal effect of the cancer. The gum is known by several names, including bee Propolis & bees Glue and bees Smab and bees remnants and Albsamee gum, gum Alrantji wax and glue. The bee glue is a resin glue with brown or brown-green its smell like vanilla and if issued by the smell of burning aromatic very enjoyable. The bees collect the gum from the bark (cobalt) and floral buds of several plants, including oak trees and exercise and Sindr and spruce, poplar, pine and peach Adler House fence and fir, Alguendl Indian alder tree. This bee glue is used to narrow the entries cells in winter as well as in the paste timber for house frames and bees wax in the disk to install roofs Jehorh inhabited in the mountains or in the trees and the gum is the raw material for construction, and the word Propolis consists of two parts (PRO) means the first and (Polis) means the city, and bee glue is used also in the mummification of animal pests that are invading cells such as mice, salamanders and hornets, and other after being killed by biting acupuncture machine will operate to prevent it from decomposition, and then covered with a layer of wax that so as not to spoil produced by these organisms Joe cell.
The chemical content of the Soma bees Bee glue contains material Flavonip (Flavonoids) and Bitolen (Betulene) and Peteulen Aezovanlen (Betulene isovanilin) and materials and resin acids, unsaturated aromatic acid, such as caffeine and acid Elvirolin and essential oils as well as some pollen.
* What did the old medicine said about bees Glues? - Bees glues used dramatically beginning of the nineteenth century which was used for the treatment of tumors and wounds in the treatment of Alcalo or nail the foot Where the glue is heated until liquefied and then make a small circle placed above Alcalo linking bond Visagt Alcalo roots after several days,
and during the wars of the English healing wounds were dressed by a pre-gum bees in order not configured gangrene.. In the Caucasus farmers eat slices of bread Creamed with butter and bee gum in equal proportions to give them force, and use the gum bee successful treatment of suppurating wounds and abscesses and burns as well as dental care, is also used widely in the paint and perfumes, as well as to paint the violins, as used in the preparation of cosmetics and soap industry. What did he say about modern medicine? - Recent studies have shown that bees have an impact gums effective against some types of bacteria, viruses, fungi, and is a natural antibiotic, and studies have shown that a topical anesthetic effect and is used in surgical purposes in addition to the material that cover the wounds, especially wounds that appear on the legs as well as the wounds of war, It also operates bee gums certain forms be used to suck in the case of pain and inflammation of the larynx, also successfully used in the treatment of herpes place outside the first type, known as well as against influenza or hepatitis type (B), also proved effective against cold and against stomach problems and also all cases of infections, particularly rheumatism, as demonstrated recently that strengthens the gums bees immune system in the human body, and have been bee gums high demand by dentists for use in various cases of dental problems, especially fungal infections (Moriliasis) as well as after surgery of the teeth, has been found that the vehicles in the Filafinup Glues, bees have a significant impact on the strength and permeability of blood vessels and the circulatory system in general expanded veins and decreases pressure in addition to the effect earners Paul and expanded edition of the bile secretion and bile secretion stimulant for female sex hormones, and the gums of the impact on other endocrine glands, such as Iemusip and thyroid glands, pancreas, kidney and neighbor, as proved to have anti-clotting effect. Bee glue have been tried in a hospital in Bucharest, Romania Titan for the treatment of thyroid diseases, on the 150 patients cured, 80% used the gum as Lye of the mouth, where plants produced Kessler Gsola purifies the mouth is called (Vigordents) contains an alcoholic extract of the gum with zinc sulfate to act as an anti-bacterial and anti-bleeding , as produced by pharmaceutical products in Tallinn dissolved concentration of 30% of the gum in alcohol and drugs approved by the body and used as a treatment against external chronic eczema, burns and some skin diseases. In 1985 and announced Sachardva Vassilis in Bulgaria have treated arthritis through the capillary with glue (ELEDREPHORESIS) and on 82 patients booked at the hospital and had suffered from joint pain and swelling of the body and the difficulty of movement along with the inadequacy of the Parties in the joints. Has been used in the treatment of this aqueous solution with 10% bee gum extract alcohol 30%, making the absorption of gentlemen connected with poles(Electrodes) initiated solution 4 cm 2 on both cushion and increased amount 2 cm 3 per day until reaching 10 cm 3 and the density of electric current 10 - 20 mA for a period of 10 - 20 minutes, and treatment took 10 - 12 meeting and then left the hospital where 77 patients improved their condition. Are there any preparations of the gums bees? - There are chewing gum and capsules and creams, powders and cubes to suck and dyes. Is there a risk of manual? - There are no risks nor side effects from the use of bee gums, except when there are some people who have an allergy to pollen as the bee gums contain a large amount of pollen. Does the use of bee gums with any drugs or other foods? - Does not contradict the use of bee gums with any drugs or other foods does not affect pregnant women or nursing. A. E, quoting Chicago Sun-Times Gum bees natural antibiotic Summary of all research and studies conducted in many parts of the world during the last thirty years has shown that gum bees natural antibiotic superior to all known antibiotics. The books in the world Danish k.lund bee gum is more material delivered by bees from the world of plants to the hive and the effectiveness and impact are currently 19 known human substance found in the gum, which bees are working to advance and alert the immune system is natural in the human body and activate its role in the killing of bacteria, fungi, viruses, and be by cells that engulf foreign bodies and bacteria and eliminate a phrase from white blood cells that respond to attack bacteria. Medical benefits for gum bees The therapeutic properties of bee glue, and scientists have proved their effectiveness in the treatment of diseases and are the following: -- 1 - live local anesthetic pain. 2 - non-toxic antibiotic with remarkable results in the treatment of many bacterial diseases. 3 - anti-fungal diseases. 4 - an anti-viral diseases. 5 - a vaccine against smallpox. 6 - Arthritis and Rheumatic fever. 7 - Treatment of chronic non-cancer. 8 - gluten Grena or corrosive. 9 - strengthens the immune system. 10 - deals with food poisoning bacteria to its impact on the updated food poisoning and so discouraging impulses. 11 - a cure for stomach ulcers or twelve, and colon. 12 - Diseases of the effects of radiation. 13 - and many other diseases. The gum is wax secretion is Valhim wax glands located between the abdominal rings, which are within some of the changes of chemical nectar, wax and mature from these glands to the outside, where freezes as soon as contact with air, and take responsibility for the production شغالة bees wax used in building eye-party cell-building needs one eye to the involvement of more than 100 bee .. -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- Therapeutic properties of beeswax Characterized by the properties of beeswax portfolio of tissues. And helps remove chest pains and rashes in the treatment of tonsillitis and effective treatment for boils and abscesses, wounds and skin diseases and halitosis and other diseases, and uses the newly cosmetics industry ointments, creams and foods cleaned and bleached and use the wax in the perfume industry quality high and other industries up to 125 items.
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