عمر والكيبيوتر

عمر والكيبيوتر

الاثنين، 15 فبراير 2010

مركز بن سينا للاعشاب IBN-SINA (AVICENNA) CENTER

مركز بن سينا للاعشاب

Address: Cairo – Arab Republic of Egypt patent sell of medical and
E-Mail: ibncinaherbals@hotmail.com cosmetic products or
Participation in production

IBN-SINA CENTER is specialized in all kinds of medical plants and natural oil.

IBN-SINA CENTER is remarkably reputed for its creative utilization of all these
Whether in the for new medical products free of any chemicals to be used in the treatment of a number of certain diseases untreated yet by modern chemical medicine or in the form of cosmetic products

IBN-SINA CENTER is very keen that all its researches studies and innovations to be conducted and carried out by well-versed and highly skilled experts and specialists. Its key references are basically the Arab and Islamic medicine books

IBN-SINA CENTER is original products were successfully welcomed by many physicians and pharmacists as well as by some major pharmaceutical companies medicaments and cosmetics in addition to a number of specialist centers
INB-SINA CENTER is medical herbs invented products have attracted as well the interest of Egyptian and Arab newspapers and magazines

IBN-SINA CENTER is displaying in the following pages some of its new medical and cosmetic products

IBN-SINA CENTER is offering these original products with the purpose of selling their invention patent or proposing the participation in their production
Tel : 012380 6064

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