عمر والكيبيوتر

عمر والكيبيوتر

الجمعة، 26 فبراير 2010

General Tips نصائح عامة

General Tips نصائح عامة

- The best way and time to eat when hungry and not on the rights and satiation.
- Fasting on Mondays and Thursdays or three days of each month, the best means of treatment and preventive measures to the human body.
- Sit down during the drinking water, and quietly the best way to drink water.
- Honey regulates the breathing and to benefit the people of anemia and aging and is used in many treatments.
- Excellent food, bread is essential for a person for the first ways to take advantage of it is to chew .
- Butter better than margarine as a fatty animal to contain the vitamin (a).
- Is useful in the treatment of vaginal secretions, eating figs and the use of chamomile Lye.
- The best remedy to remove kidney stones olive Children of Israel.
- Hardening of the arteries occurs as a result of excessive fatty foods and address the reduction of taking green salad.
- Orange, garlic lowers cholesterol levels in the blood and addresses the problems of the heart and blood vessels successfully.
- Liquorices address laryngitis.
- The body is most active at a time after dawn.
- Inflammatory disease of the kidney red urine.
- Castor oil from the oils that stimulate hair growth.
- For the treatment of a sprained foot or wrist placed in cold water compresses.
- Which increases the activity of the immune system black bean and garlic.
-Fig processors hemorrhoids.
- Enlarged prostate cause difficulty urinating, mild itching anus and weak erection.
- The best treatment of amoebic dysentery garlic and wormwood.
- Treatment of indigestion many drinking water on an empty stomach.
- The main cause of injury constipated poor diet and disease in the colon.
-only natural Dining that the bacteria do not breed honey bees.
- The body gets rid of harmful discharges through the urine and feces and sweat
.. - Henna used to treat dandruff.
-Siesta be between Zuhr and Asr.
- Long prostrating in prayer lead to the return of blood pressure to normal levels in the body.
- Remove the causes of anxiety and tension caused the efficient functioning of the immune system.
- Insulin, which converts sugar to carbohydrates and fats are excreted by the pancreas.
- The fasting person when breaking the fast first needed to sugars.
-Gout called disease of kings.
- Cleaning prevent urinary and reproductive organs of diseases that result from the accumulation of microbes and germs.
- Cleaning the left hand only.
- Nutritional benefit of milk is that it contains all the basic materials needed by the human body and contains material which is useful only creamy and good for young and adults.
- The best types of water at all the water of Zamzam.
- Cucumbers, helps to get rid of obesity.
- Garlic-called foam in the holy Qur'an.
- The strong pungent smell of garlic to it contains sulfur compounds.
- Guava contain a large proportion of vitamin A and C.
- The word banana in the Qur'an Acacia .
- Banana protects teeth from decay.
- Bananas can help reduce blood pressure.
- Liver function purification of toxins from the body.
- Massage with castor oil benefits in the treatment of a sprained wrist or foot or bruises.
- Indigestion over the pain of rheumatism.
- The task of lymph nodes to defend the body against microbial invasion.
- Chewing onion or garlic for four minutes is enough to kill all the microbes that exist in the mouth to the degree of sterilization.
- Vaginal secretions of women are not transmitted to the man in a manner of infection.
- Dates and honey warn movement and strength of uterine contraction during birth.
- Milk boiled with garlic cloves kills the worms in the intestine.
- Acne may appear on the back, chest and face.
- It is banned for man intercourse menstrual period of his wife.
- Henna treatment of head lice.
- Dates: maintain and strengthen the consideration of the optic nerve.
- Boils: A small abscesses.
- Honey bees help to speed the healing of wounds.
- Red blood cells are responsible for carrying oxygen to cells of the body and expel carbon dioxide
- Noise and high voices negatively affect the ear and nerves.
- Walking regular active glands and rids the body of many of the grease and fat.
- Hardening of the arteries leading to high blood pressure and blood clots.
-High blood pressure sometimes leads to a bleeding nose.
- Conservative prayer rarely get sick with varicose veins.
- Prayer helps the validity of the power supply in the bones.
- Prayer natural tension remover.
- The Holy Qur'an recitation by the rules ease the tension as it works to regulate breathing.
- Fasting reduces the cholesterol in the blood and protects against stroke, heart and brain.
- Rinsing strengthen facial muscles.
- Most days of breastfeeding the first two days to contain the mother's milk which the antibodies of diseases and bacteria.
- Cucumbers, increases the body's ability to get rid of excess water from the need.
- Inhalation of water vapor boiled cinnamon repellent mine.
- Too much coffee is harmful to heart patients and gout.
- Barley is useful in maintaining the health of the urinary system.
- Eat wet reduces the risk of cancer.
- Wet is very useful for pregnant and nursing mothers.
- Ginger is used in the treatment of gout.
- Lentils strengthens the nerves and addresses anemia in children.
- Volatile oils found in onions have a fatal effect of many harmful microbes.
- Eat onions positive affect on the ability of sex.
- It is recommended eating watermelon middle of the food ,not between meals.

Tips for women نصائح لست الدار

Tips for women نصائح لست الدار

*Add points of vinegar or lemon to sauce preserve its color.
*Eating Nigella sativa + raisins makes a face red net.
*Massage with lemon juice make the skin strengthens purging.
* Cows that are irrigated with water mixed with vinegar become fat.
* Add the fennel to the heavy foods when cooked becomes easy to digest.
* Add courgettes or pumpkin seeds to duck when cooking it soft savory.
*Place the parsley in place of ants makes escape.
* Add some salt to the milk upon arrival of the house to keep it fresh.
* For pure ice cubes Boil water first.
*To make clear the mirror shine Alcohol.
*To remove chewing gum from clothing Put clothes in the freezer for an hour.* For the bleaching of clothes placed in boiling water plus a slice of lemon for ten minutes, then wash.
* To give the hair a brighter Add a teaspoon of vinegar for hair, then wash well.* To make the lemon gives the largest amount of juice, put it in hot water for an hour before squeeze it.
* To remove fish odor from your hands wash your hands a little apple cider vinegar.* To prevent tears when peeling onions chew gum.
* To ensure the validity of the mushrooms sprinkled a little salt on the mushrooms, if a transformation of color to the color black, it is good, but a transformation of the yellow color it is poison.
* To boil potatoes quickly peel potato from one side only before boiling* To boil eggs quickly add a little salt to the water.
* To melt the frozen chicken, put it in cold water plus two tablespoons of salt* For fresh fish placed in cold water, if surfaced, then, is fresh.
* To remove ink from clothing Put the amount of toothpaste on the stain, and allow it to dry completely, then wash as usual* Peeling sweet potatoes quickly placed in cold water immediately after the maturity* To remove the weeds from the roadside salt spray on them.
* Get rid of mice sprinkle black pepper in their places.
* To ward off mosquitoes, especially at night Put a few fresh mint leaves close to the pad and around the room * Ceramic kitchen to clean both the walls or the ground melted a little white vinegar and lemon drops of pure alcohol in lukewarm water and shine of the ceramic attributable to a luster and cleanliness.
* To clean the silver or copper pots and to maintain the original paint color a little petroleum jelly (insulation) * To clean the white doors clean water boiled peel the onion is no need to Soaps * To maintain the refrigerator Disconnect electricity for 10 minutes every ten days and then returned again to maintain the cooling force* So as not to mingle with each other odors in the fridge put a few of coal which will absorb odors in the pending.
*Put a piece of coal inside the refrigerator to help absorb odors.
Non-use after cleaning the refrigerator for two hours.*
*To extend the life of flowers in your kitchen Add ten drops of ammonia per liter of water, making it non-wilting during cooking.
*When you open a ketchup packet scattered by the small amount of oil on the surface so as not to rot in the refrigerator.
* Get rid of ants in the kitchen cupboard or other insects Pour a small amount of coffee or non-ground pepper.
The benefits of sodium bicarbonate:
* cars Fires: It is recommended to keep them in your car to extinguish any fires may be exposed to,
and advantages that it does not damage anything placed on it.
To clean the vegetables and fruit: little of it dissolves in water and put the vegetables and fruits for a period of time and then washed with water.
To wash clothes very dirt: clothes soaked ground water dissolved in the sodium bicarbonate.* The patches of oil and grease in clothes: to add bicarbonate of soda to wash water.
*To clean the windows and cars, especially the effects of rain wipe with a damp cloth solution of sodium bicarbonate.
* To treat bee stings and mosquito: using compresses of water and sodium bicarbonate.
* For the treatment of burning mouth stomach: the dilution of the bile acid, add 1 / 2 tsp bicarbonate of soda to 1 / 2 cup of water.
* To calm the rash: in cases of measles and smallpox can take the bath water by adding soda to bath water.
* For the treatment of inflammation diapers: add a teaspoon of soda to bath water to ease the child with skin infections resulting from frequent urination.
*Scatter inside the shoes to remove unpleasant smells.
*Curtains for the bathroom: It is difficult to remove dirt because of continuous exposure to water, and soda overcome this dirt when the curtains soak in water in which dissolved bicarbonate of soda.
*Chicken: when you remove the feathers, add a teaspoon of soda to the boiling water not only helps to disarm feathers easily, but also the cleanliness of the skin and luster.
*To prevent blockage of the sewer: Add four tablespoons of soda a week with hot water.
*To polish bathrooms: using dry soda and a piece of sponge to polish the faucet, shower, flooring, tub.
* For polishing glass, ceramics, porcelain and plastic: soda placed on a piece of sponge soaked with water and then dried to give a gloss finish.
* To clean the dishwasher: taking instead of soap in its regular session will help to clean.
***Prevent a woman's pregnancy for a month :
Boil 3 tablespoon or 2 seed pack Coriander in a glass of water and purified and drink sugary honey bees the fifth day of the end of menstruation.

***Prevent pregnancy after intercourse :
A glass of water when pressed to turn a lemon or a teaspoon or semi-boiled any popular drink by cotton or wet sponge and squeezed a bit and put the vagina before intercourse and forgot notation rinsing the vagina after intercourse is working to disrupt the mood of vaginal fluid, which receives the sperm dies.

***Contraception for a year AH:
Castor bean swallow water the third day of the session and if the session was coming every 30 days shall require a fifth day session or 10 g seed {corrat} swallowing water.

Six steps to increase the intelligence and the recovery of the mind ستة خطوات لزيادة الذكاء وإنعاش العقل

Six steps to increase the intelligence and the recovery of the mind ستة خطوات لزيادة الذكاء وإنعاش العقل Do you suffer from frequent forgetfulness? Do you complain that the mental ability to capture and understand things quickly become limited? Do you fear the deterioration of Zkaik with the passage of time? you're not the only one suffering from these symptoms; Many others around the world complain about the same symptoms, but the causes that led to the deterioration of mental and each one of them different. Whatever the reasons, if there are six steps, followed by any person will increase the proportion of intelligence and mind back to the state of recovery, vigilance and speed of understanding. To the magazine (Readers Digest (recently put forward by many experts said that the six followed the advice not only about recovery, but increases the intelligence of the person and the speed of great intuition, whatever the reasons and factors that limit their mental faculties. These steps are: -1 - Relax and breathe deeply At the outset, we put Dr. Donald Stas Professor Psychiatry and Neurology and director of the Institute for Research Rautaman the U.S. state of Toronto, a number of questions: What do you think that I would do to the health and recovery of your head? Algorithms for example? The practice of chess? The correct answer - from the point of view he says - is that the exercise of all of these things, although useful, but they do not mind returning to the point of full recovery, and the best recommended to be kept in mind always the case of youth and good health is the practice of relaxation with breathing exercises depth, as this would stimulate the circulatory system and has a positive impact on the health of the mind. Agrees Dr. Mark Mcdaniel Professor of Psychology at the University of Washington with a former colleague said, but adds that the program consisted of the practice of breathing exercises with exercises to lose weight at the same time, achieve more results mentality; where studies have shown that exercise at the same time very useful in stimulating the brain and maintain the vitality and youth. It is known that as the age, the human brain cells known as cord nerve cells lose their contacts with the gradual, and it is also known that the cord has an essential role in the quality of thought and speed of understanding and awareness. The talk by Dr. Mark Mcdaniel, based on the results of several studies which showed that the practice of these exercises, stop the brain enough to fail to perform his job and be able to strengthen the memory and the development of the queen of poetry and creative at the irreligious, since it means more than the supply of blood and the brain more oxygen carried by which is needed for their health and vitality. In dozens of studies conducted over the past five years under the title (breathing exercises) proved that these exercises to reduce the loss of brain tissues in late age, and Dr. Arthur Kramer and colleagues, University of Illinois, these exercises increase the sharpness of mind and alertness, and also make active nerve cells and help on regeneration. It is worth mentioning that the same exercise prevent heart disease other, and protect the brain from the risks to the future. - 2 - prepared by intelligence One of the ways in which rights can be used to restore vitality and activity to his mind, is the well-fed; where scientists say the stomach is the right way for the mind active and alert. There is no doubt that we all heard about the foods that contain antioxidants, which is known to be fighting cancer, and studies have demonstrated that eating foods that contain these antibiotics do not fight cancer, but it is also beneficial to the health of mind and activity, such as fruits and vegetables and some grains such as wheat, coconut and spices. Dr. Carlo says Greenwood, a world of nutrition, University of Turin, the quality of daily food intake has a role in human health of the mind; where studies have shown that fatty foods do not cause obesity or high blood pressure and the proportion of cholesterol, but also affect in a negative way the health of the mind, and intelligence and, in many cases self stupid. -3 - Mental fitness programs It is well known scientifically that our minds are naturally less efficiency in the age of thirty, but at the same time, according to Michael Mirznic Professor of Neurology at the University of California research, the rights at any stage of life can be trained and the mind is to become faster and more active, almost as Dr. Michael human mind machine learning, and all of us that the human mind is to provide the right tools for the training activity and speed. It is well known that Dr. Mirznic has developed training system, and depends on the computer, and works to increase the capacity of the mind, and know the name of the program (a program of mental fitness) depends on the development of audio and verbal skills, the program deals with the subject of questions put to distinguish between the voices are displayed slowly At the outset, and then speed up the speech in order to make the brain more vigilant about what is captured by the ear. Similar to the game (age of the brain), which recently produced a set of Japanese Nintendo video games with the program, Dr. Mirznic, it would provide practical training to increase the mental capacity of mind, and which raise questions for the first time in several areas such as mathematics, reading, and ask him to do simple tasks, with the possibility of the retention schedule for all the results obtained to check the development of mental faculties, and the benefits of this game, which was sold in Japan alone, about two million copies of it, which disrupted the course of memory loss associated with aging, as approved by the U.S. Food and Drug treatment knowledge effectively. The latest discovery in the area of the brain was reached during the last ten years is that the human brain is capable of adjustment at any stage with the corresponding age, in the sense that if one of us wants to learn or practice of making anything that would actually learn, even if he wanted to increase the intelligence and mental abilities, he buy a computer program such as the educational program, Dr. Mirznic, or one of millions of mental activities that give rise to curiosity and attention, as a matter of a game or solving Alpinj South puzzles or learning a new language and other activities that need to be thinking and vigilance. - 4 - leave thinking Beware that take you from the worries of life and things to think Balastgrac constant; that if they raise the mind to think about solving puzzles and problems to be beneficial to health, to keep the calm is also beneficial for its activity, as Dr. Kim Jiansuk University of Washington, the pressure of life and thought is a cause for serious damage to brain cells and impairs cognitive processes also Kaltalm and memory, and then calmly thinking things sticking something in the comfort and renew the ability of reason to think properly. It also stresses the researchers at the Faculty of Medicine, Harvard University, the best way to leave the brain to give back health benefits it is to get rights to the number of hours of sleep is adequate; as demonstrated by studies conducted on more than four thousand people that got them to the number of hours of sleep enough , were more intelligent and intellectual activity is much higher than those who did not get enough sleep. - 5 - Laugh .. Your mind active Studies have shown that the hormone dopamine, which is released when the object of laughter or a sense of happiness is the same, which preserves parts of the brain and makes it active, and the greater the secretion of the hormone, the body of the mental activity of the human being at its best, and then comedy Watching movies or listen to a joke funny is useful and raises the degree of brain understanding and willingness to resolve all the corresponding issues. - 6 - beware of the unit and smoking Many studies have proven that the mental and cognitive performance in smokers less than non-smokers, since smoking is negatively on the memory and cognitive functions of the smoker, such as drinking alcohol, the same negative impact on brain function. On the other hand, many studies have proved that the close relations of the human sense, the improvement of cognitive performance, and one of these studies indicate that the continued absence of unity or the person with friends and family and neighbors lead to the deterioration of cognitive process to it, and that social cohesion and communicate with others over the activity of the brain and intelligence.

Bee glue (propolis) صمغ النحل

Bee glue (propolis) صمغ النحل

Propolis is a substance that vitamin antiseptic and antibiotic normally works to strengthen the body's immune system and help to resist the illness or disease and thus preserving the vitality of the body and the safety of its members. At a time in which to kill harmful bacteria, it is not exposed to the beneficial bacteria on the performance of their functions, and this property is not found in industrial antibiotics, which kill all bacteria without discrimination and is one of the foods of new food and help to anti-aging, heart disease and diseases skin, stomach, intestine and colon cancer, and cancer, it helps to reduce property of Propolis for cancer. In 1988 Matsino Professor of the Institute of Cancer Research at Columbia University in New York, could revealed several of the compounds isolated from Brazilian Propolis have a fatal effect of the cancer. The gum is known by several names, including bee Propolis & bees Glue and bees Smab and bees remnants and Albsamee gum, gum Alrantji wax and glue. The bee glue is a resin glue with brown or brown-green its smell like vanilla and if issued by the smell of burning aromatic very enjoyable. The bees collect the gum from the bark (cobalt) and floral buds of several plants, including oak trees and exercise and Sindr and spruce, poplar, pine and peach Adler House fence and fir, Alguendl Indian alder tree. This bee glue is used to narrow the entries cells in winter as well as in the paste timber for house frames and bees wax in the disk to install roofs Jehorh inhabited in the mountains or in the trees and the gum is the raw material for construction, and the word Propolis consists of two parts (PRO) means the first and (Polis) means the city, and bee glue is used also in the mummification of animal pests that are invading cells such as mice, salamanders and hornets, and other after being killed by biting acupuncture machine will operate to prevent it from decomposition, and then covered with a layer of wax that so as not to spoil produced by these organisms Joe cell.
The chemical content of the Soma bees Bee glue contains material Flavonip (Flavonoids) and Bitolen (Betulene) and Peteulen Aezovanlen (Betulene isovanilin) and materials and resin acids, unsaturated aromatic acid, such as caffeine and acid Elvirolin and essential oils as well as some pollen.
* What did the old medicine said about bees Glues? - Bees glues used dramatically beginning of the nineteenth century which was used for the treatment of tumors and wounds in the treatment of Alcalo or nail the foot Where the glue is heated until liquefied and then make a small circle placed above Alcalo linking bond Visagt Alcalo roots after several days,

and during the wars of the English healing wounds were dressed by a pre-gum bees in order not configured gangrene.. In the Caucasus farmers eat slices of bread Creamed with butter and bee gum in equal proportions to give them force, and use the gum bee successful treatment of suppurating wounds and abscesses and burns as well as dental care, is also used widely in the paint and perfumes, as well as to paint the violins, as used in the preparation of cosmetics and soap industry. What did he say about modern medicine? - Recent studies have shown that bees have an impact gums effective against some types of bacteria, viruses, fungi, and is a natural antibiotic, and studies have shown that a topical anesthetic effect and is used in surgical purposes in addition to the material that cover the wounds, especially wounds that appear on the legs as well as the wounds of war, It also operates bee gums certain forms be used to suck in the case of pain and inflammation of the larynx, also successfully used in the treatment of herpes place outside the first type, known as well as against influenza or hepatitis type (B), also proved effective against cold and against stomach problems and also all cases of infections, particularly rheumatism, as demonstrated recently that strengthens the gums bees immune system in the human body, and have been bee gums high demand by dentists for use in various cases of dental problems, especially fungal infections (Moriliasis) as well as after surgery of the teeth, has been found that the vehicles in the Filafinup Glues, bees have a significant impact on the strength and permeability of blood vessels and the circulatory system in general expanded veins and decreases pressure in addition to the effect earners Paul and expanded edition of the bile secretion and bile secretion stimulant for female sex hormones, and the gums of the impact on other endocrine glands, such as Iemusip and thyroid glands, pancreas, kidney and neighbor, as proved to have anti-clotting effect. Bee glue have been tried in a hospital in Bucharest, Romania Titan for the treatment of thyroid diseases, on the 150 patients cured, 80% used the gum as Lye of the mouth, where plants produced Kessler Gsola purifies the mouth is called (Vigordents) contains an alcoholic extract of the gum with zinc sulfate to act as an anti-bacterial and anti-bleeding , as produced by pharmaceutical products in Tallinn dissolved concentration of 30% of the gum in alcohol and drugs approved by the body and used as a treatment against external chronic eczema, burns and some skin diseases. In 1985 and announced Sachardva Vassilis in Bulgaria have treated arthritis through the capillary with glue (ELEDREPHORESIS) and on 82 patients booked at the hospital and had suffered from joint pain and swelling of the body and the difficulty of movement along with the inadequacy of the Parties in the joints. Has been used in the treatment of this aqueous solution with 10% bee gum extract alcohol 30%, making the absorption of gentlemen connected with poles(Electrodes) initiated solution 4 cm 2 on both cushion and increased amount 2 cm 3 per day until reaching 10 cm 3 and the density of electric current 10 - 20 mA for a period of 10 - 20 minutes, and treatment took 10 - 12 meeting and then left the hospital where 77 patients improved their condition. Are there any preparations of the gums bees? - There are chewing gum and capsules and creams, powders and cubes to suck and dyes. Is there a risk of manual? - There are no risks nor side effects from the use of bee gums, except when there are some people who have an allergy to pollen as the bee gums contain a large amount of pollen. Does the use of bee gums with any drugs or other foods? - Does not contradict the use of bee gums with any drugs or other foods does not affect pregnant women or nursing. A. E, quoting Chicago Sun-Times Gum bees natural antibiotic Summary of all research and studies conducted in many parts of the world during the last thirty years has shown that gum bees natural antibiotic superior to all known antibiotics. The books in the world Danish k.lund bee gum is more material delivered by bees from the world of plants to the hive and the effectiveness and impact are currently 19 known human substance found in the gum, which bees are working to advance and alert the immune system is natural in the human body and activate its role in the killing of bacteria, fungi, viruses, and be by cells that engulf foreign bodies and bacteria and eliminate a phrase from white blood cells that respond to attack bacteria. Medical benefits for gum bees The therapeutic properties of bee glue, and scientists have proved their effectiveness in the treatment of diseases and are the following: -- 1 - live local anesthetic pain. 2 - non-toxic antibiotic with remarkable results in the treatment of many bacterial diseases. 3 - anti-fungal diseases. 4 - an anti-viral diseases. 5 - a vaccine against smallpox. 6 - Arthritis and Rheumatic fever. 7 - Treatment of chronic non-cancer. 8 - gluten Grena or corrosive. 9 - strengthens the immune system. 10 - deals with food poisoning bacteria to its impact on the updated food poisoning and so discouraging impulses. 11 - a cure for stomach ulcers or twelve, and colon. 12 - Diseases of the effects of radiation. 13 - and many other diseases. The gum is wax secretion is Valhim wax glands located between the abdominal rings, which are within some of the changes of chemical nectar, wax and mature from these glands to the outside, where freezes as soon as contact with air, and take responsibility for the production شغالة bees wax used in building eye-party cell-building needs one eye to the involvement of more than 100 bee .. -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- Therapeutic properties of beeswax Characterized by the properties of beeswax portfolio of tissues. And helps remove chest pains and rashes in the treatment of tonsillitis and effective treatment for boils and abscesses, wounds and skin diseases and halitosis and other diseases, and uses the newly cosmetics industry ointments, creams and foods cleaned and bleached and use the wax in the perfume industry quality high and other industries up to 125 items.

Results, experience and expertise of bee products and honey bees and عسل النحل

عسل النحل
Results, experience and expertise of bee products and honey bees and
royal jelly and bee pollen and bee gum and beeswax Bee venom

First: Honey Bees:
The text of the Qur'an in Surat Al-Nahl God said (out of their bellies a drink of varying colors, wherein is healing for people) verse No. 69 And honey is the nectar which they collect the worker bees of the flowers, it produces various enzymes in the stomach and put it in the six eyes of the wax cell maturate attic and seal sheeting wax to become Maturation (the sealed nectar)
Was approved by the old science of Islamic civilization and modern science that honey bees food, medicine and tuberculosis that h is useful and cardboard to the human body and a natural antibiotic which does not live any microbes or fungi or viruses; and most importantly it bolsters the immune system in human beings, who is resistance to all disease that is striking.
It is almost honey pharmacy stand-alone because of the countless benefits including that it is useful for patients with diabetes and colon and nervous indigestion, chronic constipation, stomach ulcers, anemia and chronic asthma, high blood pressure and romatoyd chronic headaches and a friend pregnant women, offering them easy pregnancies and the birth of a soft easy accessible and increase their milk during breast feeding benefit infant from all the great characteristics of honey that drink from the breast of his mother. For the skin painted with honey immediately after being subjected to hot liquids burn it the next day we do not find any trace of burning.
Second: Royal Jelly
A food that is produced by worker bees to feed the queen bee throughout her life as well as to feed the larvae of worker bees and males for the first three days of life. It is better for a person to take royal jelly that has been saved in the honey to get the best interest.
And the most important benefits of royal jelly
It activates all members of the body and renews the youth and appetite for food and lowers blood sugar and works on the regularity of the menstrual cycle for women and strengthens the liver cells Vicoip and strengthens the heart muscle and strengthens the sexual and removes infections It is a good friend of the elderly in all health problems, psychological and royal jelly use apparently good for treating skin wrinkles, acne, boils and wounds.
III: Grain vaccine

Collected by worker bees from the flowers to feed young worker bees and male the rest of her life and without the worker bees can not produce eggs, These grains are a source of protein, fats, vitamins and hormones to bees in the cell. And pollen is the perfect food for children that strengthen their bodies and increase their educational mental It strengthens the liver, as well as useful in diseases of the prostate and prevent anemia and nervous tension.
With follows pages from book medical and health encyclopedia in Q and Answer to Dr. \ Mohamed Kamal Abdel Aziz Professor Medicine Azhar library version Ibn Sina T 2479862.

Is there a food irresistible Geriatrics?
People who eat a diet queen bees show active and vivid and clear as a permanent increase their nationality. It was found that the royal food restores vitality to the skin cells improves skin condition. Royal Jelly helps in the treatment of hand tremor associated with aging, as well as the trouble caused by prostate enlargement, also has a clear impact in strengthening the heart muscle and prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis and high blood pressure.
What is the role of honey in the treatment of liver disease?
Honey is used as food after the surgery of the liver. Has been found that this method can improve the efficiency of the liver where honey works to increase the capacity of the remaining cells in the liver and damage that did not hit it.
What is the role of honey in the treatment of stomach ulcers and twelve?

Honey reduces pain and burning and the tendency to vomit in the incidence of stomach ulcers and duodenum, where they can take the honey bees in this situation two hours before breakfast or lunch and then three hours after dinner to have dinner light and prefer to use honey as lukewarm.
What is the role of honey in the treatment of burns and wounds?
Honey bees help to increase the process of configuring the capillaries, which help heal burns and wounds as well as to kill any microbial contamination of wounds and burns.
What is the role of honey in the treatment of various skin diseases?
Honey is used in the treatment of boils and abscesses, acne, bed sores.
Does honey serve a pregnant woman?
Pregnant women can take advantage of honey in the following ways:* Honey bees with high nutritional value for pregnant women
* honey successful treatment for nausea of pregnancy and treatment of constipation
* honey prevent pre-eclampsia
* honey easily Pregnancy on the women as well as birth.
How can women benefit from honey bees after birth?
Honey helps to contraction of the uterus after childbirth and bringing to its normal size and less bleeding. Therefore, a pregnant woman not to interrupt eating honey a day from the time of pregnancy to the time of weaning her child.
Is there a relationship between honey bees and the heart?
Honey strengthens the heart muscle and treat angina and to prevent the decline in blood pressure due to the presence of glucose in honey.
Can I use honey as a disinfectant?
Proven that of honey influential fatal of microbes such as microbe Alslake and microbe cluster and microbe typhoid. Also that of honey influential fatal also on fungi, and viruses.
What is the relationship between the honey and diabetes?
Sugar honey contains 40% sugar fructose. Experience has shown that the clinical process and easier to fructose absorption by the body in patients with sugar from glucose, and he was being burned in the cells without the need for insulin, honey also contains oxidizing materials make the representation of sugar are more amenable to body do not show up high in the blood, which helps in that it contains a very high percentage of potassium.
What is the relationship between honey bees and diseases of the nervous system?.
Honey calms the nerves. And prevents insomnia And help to sleep and treating the headaches.

Honey bees and children: Honey contains sugars easier ability to digest and are grape sugar (glucose), fructose (fructose) is well established that infants children who fed honey do not get stomach pain contagious but rarely because the speed that is absorbed by the honey does not let fermentation in the intestines, given to infants 2 teaspoon honey dissolved in mother milk or milk normally since the fourth month, helping the growth of children and keepers of the disease rickets (osteomalacia), also helps out your baby's teeth without any trouble in his health. * Honey bees and Insomnia: honey alone is helping people who can't sleep, so having honey in the beginning of the night will make them sleep good. * Honey bees and dysentery (Zahar) experience has shown that honey is regulating the process of defecation and honey of the best active ingredients that help to speed recovery from dysentery, so naturally a drink lukewarm camomile or Anison or other local honey + juice of half lemon before meals * Honey and hot fluid burns and wounds: You can use honey to treat burns more as in the rest of the body as well as wounds where experience has shown it helps to speed healing and rebuilding tissue in which high speed is not any medicine which parallels other medical * Honey bees and Eyes: Honey can be used more as touching or eye drops in cases of inflammation of the eye and the tears of fallen and redness and swelling of the eyelids has been such cases, impressive results and excellent * Honey bees and beauty: using honey as a mask for the face with the yogurt, lemon drops, oil of bitter almonds as a treatment for inflammatory skin face and body and black spots from the effects of acne, as well as for the treatment of blisters and bubbles in the face, oily skin
The benefits of honey bees * Public Health: given honey balanced with acids and alkaline resulting after any physical effort so eating honey address fatigue and exhaustion
· Treat sores: Jafar Ahmed Hijazi, The doctor in National Center for Research he used honey in the treatment of chronic sores demonstrating the effectiveness of high medical * Liver patients: honey food and medicine is ideal for patients with acute viral hepatitis in particular it increases the stock of sugar, animal liver (glycogen) and activates the metabolism in the liver and protects the liver to contain a substance Mnyothin * The stomach and intestines: Honey Bees Friend stomach as an effective treatment in diseases of indigestion and acidity of the stomach and prevents constipation and treat him and useful for cases of stomach ulcers and duodenum * Heart disease and blood: Dr.dosoki Fouda Al-Azhar University Faculty of Medicine Use the honey with lukewarm water and drink for patients with high blood pressure and found that officers of the pressure, not only lowering the interpretation of that honey contains fatty acids have the ability to expand blood vessels, reducing resistance to the wall as well as Terminal the ability of honey on high diuresis without affecting the proportion of salts in the blood does not lead to a heart disorder, such as diuretics pharmaceutical chemical * Diabetic foot: in a presentation Dr / Abraham shamikh Professor of Surgery Medicine, Ain Shams decided that the use of honey a natural antibiotic for patients with diabetic foot ulcers who were threatened by amputation were open pus pockets and clean fully under sedation and filled with pure honey and continued in parts on a daily basis for one week to two weeks as the case may continue healing completely, God willing, by 100%
* Natural childbirth and breast-feeding: Honey contains a substance similar to prostaglandin, so it helps on the strength of contraction of the uterus during childbirth and it contains anti-bacterial, it increases the body's resistance against puerperal fever, as well as the honey increases the generation of breast milk to the mother.

The benefits of bee venom
Is the interest in the sting out of worker bees when it bites Rights, found that workers in Australia sieves fully recovered from the arthritis pain they suffer before working in the honey abiaries, it has been possible to use bee venom to treat them after the cases of rheumatic fever, and neuropathic pain, psoriasis and vitiligo, and thyroid enlargement gland and recurrent miscarriage, high blood pressure, has been the use of bee venom as medicine through natural 1- sting direct. 2- ointment by a pharmaceutical company Germany.
3- injection .
The benefits of pollen:Cells are recalled in flowering plants on the rear legs of the bee and the bee came to the cell.
Value of the Pharmaceutical pollen: * An effective treatment for mouth ulcers resulting from radiation therapy for malignant tumors.* Increase the body's immunity to colds and flu People . * Send activity and vitality and removes fatigue. * Give the skin vitality and freshness and softness when added to the holder. * According to patients with liver and prostate and hemorrhoids * Help to heal the wounds. * Help relieve the symptoms of menopause in women and help them psychologically .* An important food for pregnant women and nursing mothers to protect them from anemia,.
Benefits of the royal food * Nutritional value of food and medicines for the Royal: First: healthy:
* improve the situation of intellectual and sexual with the increased self-confidence.
* delay the manifestations of aging on hair, skin and nails. * Increases the body's resistance against fatigue, physical and intellectual development at a special effort to intensify the athletes.II: Patients:
* removes the pain of people with atherosclerosis in the coronary artery wall and organizer of the arterial pressure and also prevents the deposition of cholesterol because it contains a substance Inoctrul * Tonic for the liver to contain a substance Myotnin * Useful in cases of dizziness and tinnitus * According to inflammation of the oral cavity * To protect against pollution after surgery * The opening of appetite * According to the stress and anxiety without justification * Enhance memory * Helps to cure acne, dry, scaling skin and systemic lupus erythematosus * Strengthen sexual desire for men, particularly older people * Reduces symptoms of frigidity for women * Helps the regularity of the menstrual cycle for women.
Honey medicine is useful in these cases1- Food poisoning: eat 6 tablespoons honey.2- respiratory movement: it regulates the breathing, if used regularly, it provides lecturers and teachers.3- muscle spasm: an effort resulting from sports and cramps face and eyelids to address a large spoon after meals.

Honey bees and pregnancy: pregnancy, nausea, vomiting, dizziness remove them by eating 3 tablespoons honey when you wake up the morning before getting out of bed, for constipation and acidity two tablespoons of honey during the day, for Insomnia two tablespoons of honey before bedtime to ensure quiet sleep for a pregnant woman as well as honey on a regular basis during pregnancy to protect against poisoning pregnancy.
Honey and liver disease: personal experience with my father who was suffering from inflammation of the epidemic he took honey and lemon until healed, experience with a patient complaining of biliary stones and inflammation of the gall bile for some time the pain disappeared and a large attendance to eat honey regularly and in the case of the magnitude of the liver and spleen were injected honey treatment outcome is the improvement in physical strength and an increase in appetite, has been used honey in a university hospital in Italy in the treatment of hepatitis, sending a significant improvement in liver function to take 10 large spoons honey per day increased from the ability of the remaining liver cells, which have not been worn damage.

Translated by:
Alshimaa Ghallap

الاثنين، 22 فبراير 2010

(Savoy) cabbage mine mineral elements (الكرنب)

(Savoy) cabbage mine mineral elements (الكرنب)

Cabbage has several features, because of its rich mineral elements and nutrients necessary for the body. Cabbage known since ancient times and used in the treatment of many diseases.He praised its benefits both the Greek physician Hippocrates and President Sheikh Ibn Sina, and others.The French were counting on him in the main meals, because it strengthens the body and shield them from disease.Nutritional valueRecent studies have made to the cabbage that contains the following nutrients:* Calcium. * Phosphorus. * Sulfur. * Potassium. * Magnesium. * Copper. * Iron. * Iodine. * Vitamin A. * Group vitamins B. * Vitamin C. * Vitamin k. * Vitamin D.BenefitsCabbage contains a substance chlorophyll, which gives him the green color, which helps the production of hemoglobin in the blood, and this is a cabbage food useful for children and women in general, and suffers from disturbances and symptoms of anemia, the feeling of weakness and general fatigue, headaches, dizziness and pale in the tissues of the body Conjunctivitis and lips.Studies show that the nutrients embedded in the cabbage help regeneration of muscle cells.
Among the most important characteristics of cabbage therapeutic food recall that is useful in the following conditions:* Respiratory diseases and asthma.
* Diabetes because it helps to reduce the proportion of sugar.* Eczema and using compresses of cabbage paper painted with oil for a period of time not exceeding the place of infection to be treated.* Constipation, and by taking up water, boil cabbage 2-4 cups a day.* Hoarseness are advising the use of cabbage juice with honey, syrups or gargling of the mouth.* A diuretic and to Treatment the sand and gravel urinary tract, which advises drinking two cups of cabbage juice a day.* Anti-fatigue and general fatigue, and by eating cabbage juice, and are advised of the laborious work of addressing the two cups of cabbage juice a day.* Opens the appetite if taken before food, because arsenic salts are active salivary gland secretions and endocrine diseases.* Containing a deadly bacteria similar in effect to antibiotics. * Find out when new vitamin called vitamin U effect occurs clearly against ulceration, as I discovered article( Alfotamen), which are in the treatment of addiction to alcohol and alcohol.
* Seed lupine water kills the worms.* Eat cabbage benefit from visual impairment.
* According to juice to calm frayed nerves .. And inflammation of the bowel and abdominal cramps.* Fit on some vitamins such as UEA it one of the best filters skin, treatment for acne and terrible wounds and sores.
* Prescribed for people with renal insufficiency and rain to be rich in potassium and expels water from the tissues of the body.* Prescribed for people with heart disease and obesity and tuberculosis, especially in capturing the morning for 15 to 21 days because it activates the kidneys.* Is very beneficial for teeth and gums and bones.* In general we can say that cabbage vegetables useful to the body for its wealth of mineral elements and Vitamins, for example, contains a larger amount of juice, vitamin c than lemon juice, which strengthens the immune system and improves the activity of nerves.And of course suffer from digestive disorders Such as bloating not try eating cabbage, because it is difficult to digest.To benefit from the nutritional value the commitment we recommend the following guidelines:* Address cabbage fresh after a good cleaning.
* Do not boiled for a long time, because heat inspecting some of the nutritional value.* Not a piece only when addressed. * Chew well in the mouth.* Not a lot of eating. * Add to any type of authority.* Choose a small cabbage because it is easier digestive than large size of it.Finally, it should be noted that cabbage protects against many diseases including some cancers, this should be borne in the table, it is food and medicine for many diseases.And the treatment of skin sores and wounds, acne, lack of freshness of the skin you this mix:Using a tablespoon of mashed fresh leaves with half a teaspoon of salt and other seeds of Caraway, mixing and use external Such as dough 2-3 times a day. Securities or juice and a tablespoon by tablespoon of lemon juice, mix and wipe acne cloth of the mixture 2-3 times a day.
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Spinach high nutritional value .. السبانخ

Spinach high nutritional value .. السبانخ

Scientifically called (Spenasia Oulirasia). (leafy vegetables is one of the famous and well-known among the Arabs were the first to discover the nutritional value and benefits of medical, where Persia is the original home of the spinach and then spread to Spain with the opening of Andalusia. The nutritional value of spinach: - The spinach contains many beneficial nutrients of public health such as iron, calcium, Magnesium, manganese, sulfur, phosphorus, chlorine, copper, in addition to vitamin A, B, C and beta carotene and folic acid, and also contains the amino acid Histidine and many of the nutrients that play an important role as antioxidants .. Advises everyone who is suffering from liver disease and arthritis, and sand and gravel in the urinary tract not to eat spinach or reduce the quantities dealt with it, because it contains calcium oxalate within the installation of Urolithiasis. It is the many benefits of spinach -: 1 helps to heal the wounds in a very short time.
2 builds body tissues. 3 to preserve the health and safety of the eye, and prevents the deterioration associated with the occurrence of retinal damage due to aging and aging. 4 generally protects against heart disease and colon cancer.
5 helps to reduce the proportion of fat and cholesterol in the blood. 6 assesses the incidence of constipation because it contains a high percentage of fiber. 7 help to reduce high blood pressure because it contains salts of calcium, magnesium and potassium. 8 reduces the risk of pregnant women cases of eclampsia because it contains magnesium, and prevent cases of pre-eclampsia by 58% and reduces the risk of death resulting from it by 45%. . 9 protects against diabetes because it contains magnesium, which has an impact on the hormone insulin and increase its effectiveness in the organization of the level of sugar in the blood. 10 - keep the cells and prevents the natural image of the transformation of cancerous cells in order to contain a high proportion of amino acid, Histidine.
11 assess the incidence of lung cancer because it contains beta-Carr and proteins. 12 reduce the incidence of neurological diseases by 70% -
13 - keep on the strength of the blood in the body to contain a high proportion of elemental iron. 14 delay the signs of aging because it contains an anti-oxidant
(aorta ).
15 - useful in cases of recovery for children who suffer from nervous tension and the need to focus on the exams.
16 - Scientists are advised anyone who wants to get the muscles strong, "iron" that deals with daily more than a kilogram of spinach because it contains materials hormonal help build muscles. Spinach and uses multiple ways to take advantage of it: The nutrition of spinach may be in various forms has eaten leaves or in the form of fresh juice or added to salads or cooked or used to make pies, where the rub instead of climbing may be added to some spices and coriander Such as walnuts is very important for children. Are also used spinach in the work of natural skin masks, using 8 9 papers from spinach with 285 Millie liters of milk and heated together for 3 minutes then placed warm spinach leaves on the skin and neck for an hour and then continue after that and wash the face, and dried and taken raw or cooked in treatment of chest diseases and the local sugar juice is useful in treating jaundice. And urinary stones. And Indigestion urination.
Translated by
Alshimaa ghallab

Lettuce الخس

Lettuce الخس

Lettuce has a great historical Fame ..
The ancient Egyptians praised its benefits as food is good for the ability of citizenship, so they called the « fertility plant » .. It was also the main food of the Greeks .. It is likely that the lettuce have arisen first cultivated on the island (Cos. Lettuce) which is an ancient Greek islands. And enter the lettuce in the preparation of many cosmetic features as shown to moisturizing the skin and thus benefit the work of the insulating layer saves the skin from the sun and the impact of wind. Given the richness many vitamins and properties impact cleaner, it enters in the preparation of many of the nutrients the skin and facial cleansers.
Composition: Contains vitamin A, B 1, c, e. • fatty oils • protein • carbohydrates. Water. • The lettuce is rich in calcium and phosphorus, and iron • very few calories useful for those who follow the diet.
Uses lettuce and medical benefits:
1- wild lettuce has a weak effect similar to opium, and lettuce farm has the same effect is weaker, and differs from the effect of opium that the lettuce does not raise the alarm of the digestive system has a sedative effect and anesthetic, and sedative and hypnotic.2 - used in the treatment of edema (body blow entrapment of water), remove the gravel and sand and treated with gout.3 - lettuce has no effect antipyretic and increases perspiration and has a diuretic effect.4 - Removes intestinal colic and calm Revolution intestinal disorder such as diabetes Ibs called the colon earlier.5 - helps to start sleeping in cases of insomnia, especially with onions.6 - Removes cough and spasm towns.7 - lettuce remover thirst and benefit in cases of summer heat and sunstroke.8 - lettuce and the sensitivity of anti-histamine substance, removes itching and skin rashes and allergic nasal obstruction.9 - used in the psychiatric moderator to nerves and tanning agent of tension and frustration, and it continually address the madness.10 - remover of depression and epilepsy.11 - tonic and hair tonic and useful for their health as well.12 - green outer leaves very rich in iron and chlorophyll, addresses the weakness of the blood and strengthens the body, and chlorophyll remover of mouth and body odors and breath smell of rotting race.13 - the inner layer, which are yellow and green leaves are useful for the treatment of palpitations and swelling and accelerate the heart, and diseases of the heart muscle.14 - bearing milk in the udder.15 - appetizing in power and future of food, mixed with the acid or vinegar, and laxative nature.16 - tonic for the liver and prevent jaundice.17 - Good to deal with corneal ulcers and inflammatory eye disease trachoma in particular, and strengthens the sight due to the presence of vitamin A in it.
Prohibitions:Prevented from eating infected with:- Disease of impotence and the Senate advanced age.- Ill blood circulation in the brain such as strokes, blotting in the arteries of the brain, and Parkinson's.

الإعجاز العلمي لماء زمزم Scientific Miracles of Zamzam water

الإعجاز العلمي لماء زمزم Scientific Miracles of Zamzam water

Is the water of Zamzam advantage over others in the installation?? Yes Zamzam water have the advantage in terms of structure, he had some Pakistani researchers for a long time demonstrating by this, and the Hajj Research Center, studies on the water of Zamzam, and found that the water of Zamzam water, surprisingly different, "said the engineer," Sami Angawi "President of the Hajj Research Center .. When we were digging in Zamzam when the new expansion of the campus where we were taken from the water of Zamzam our chagrin tender .. As we increased the water .. Our main three pumps to have Zamzam water so as to allow us to lay the foundations, then we have a study of Zamzam water from its source to see if the bacteria?! We found that there's no bacteria one!! Pure and clear, but may occur after the type of pollution in the use of current or water pipes or Aquarius pollution comes from other! , But it is pure nothing in it at all. That's about privacy and the privacy of Zamzam water also find that you always .. And always gives since the era of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him today is overflowing. How long that is not well of Zamzam water?! Fifty years, hundred years .. and then water will dry out and ending. what about this well does not always implement the hundred? He said peace be upon him: (Zamzam water to drink to its aim) narrated by Ahmad - I learned the right note of unequivocal story of a man from Yemen - I know him he is my friend - this old man has poor sight .. Due to old age, and nearly lost his sight! , And was reading the qouran and is keen to read the Quran .. A lot of reading the Quran and he does not want to separate this holy book, but vision loss, how does it do? ! He said: I heard that Zamzam is the cure so I came to Zamzam, and I have already drunk, I saw him take the small book of holy Quran from his pocket and opens it and reads ,yes I swear to God he opens and reads and he could not read big letters larger than this book, and said: This is after drinking from Zamzam. So my brother this Hadith of the Messenger of God peace be upon him, but pray the police that the owner be fairly certain to answer the requirement to be responsive, police clause to achieve the answer: ( If my worshipers ask you about me, iam the nearest to all and give them what asked){cow:186}
Source: "You ask and answer Sheikh Zindani about the scientific miracles in the Quran and Sunnah" by Shaykh Abdul Majid alZindani Yusreya recovered from scarlet ulcer in her left eye after use the water of Zamzam The one Muslim brother after returning from a pilgrimage he says: a virtuous woman told me her name - Yusreya Abdel-Rahman Haraz - they lead the pilgrimage with us within the Ministry of Awqaf of the miracle that occurred with the blessings of the water of Zamzam, said: years ago, she is a crimson ulcer in her left eye resulted by migraine headache does not leave her day and night, in calm him painkillers .. As they were almost completely lost vision because of their eyes by the white mist .. I went to one of the top ophthalmologists said that he had no way to stop the headaches but by giving them an injection to eliminate it, at the same time do you spend on the eye not see forever. Ms. Yusreya and horrified by this news harsh, but she was confident the mercy of God and is confident that it will provide reasons for healing, although it is certain medicine and doctors in the waning hope that .. I thought in the performance of Umrah, to be able to seek recovery directly from God at his home is haraam. And came to Mecca, walked around the Kaaba, which was not a large number of Taivin at the time, allowing them - as they say - to accept the Black Stone, and affect the same patient by .. Then headed to the water of Zamzam from Cuba to fill and wash the same .. And then do the search and returned to the hotel in the nude I was surprised after returning to the hotel to the same patient became completely intact, and that the symptoms of ulcer scarlet faded and no longer have little effect How was the eradication of ulcer without surgery?! .. How cuts back is impossible to recover to normal without treatment?! The doctor informed of what happened, but did not have to shout from the depths of God more that this patient that failed to medicine in the treatment dealt with the Great Physician in the clinic told her that God's Holy Prophet peace be upon him: (Zamzam water to drink to its aim, if you drink it you will be treated God treats you, If you drink to feed God will feed you - If you drink to cut thirst God will cut it - which was defeated by Gabriel and watering God for Ismail) Narrated by al-Daaraqutni
Output pebble without surgery Like this story and other stories we hear about or read about their owners, which, if nothing else shown indicate the sincerity of what the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him for this blessed well of Zamzam The author of this story, Dr. Farouk Antar says I had Stones in the ureter years ago, and doctors decided to remove them but the impossibility of a surgical procedure, but was postponed twice a scientific .. Then for me to perform Umrah, and ask God to bless the grace of healing and directed this stone without surgery? Indeed, Dr. Farouk traveled to Mecca, Umrah and has drunk the water of Zamzam ,kissed the Black Stone, and then he prayed two before leaving the Haram, felt pain in the ureter, ran to the w c , a miracle occurs, and graduated large pebble out, and healing without entering the operating room , it was out of this pebble surprise him and the doctors who were on treatment, and follow his condition. Source: "Scientific Miracles in Islam and the Sunnah of the Prophet" by Mohammed Kamil Abdel Sammad
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الاثنين، 15 فبراير 2010

بواسير - الهادىFor the local treatment of hemorrhoids EL_HADY OINTMENT

4– بواسير - الهادى
For the local treatment of hemorrhoids
(100% natural .free of Chemicals)

Pattie enduring either internal or external hemorrhoids or anal fissures usually suffer of lot of pains which make them sleepless Eventaully they have recourse to proctologic surgery to beradicate these ever-painful hemorrhoids

Needless to say that shat surgery is the last successful recourse as hemorrhoids reappear again after surgery.

IBN-SINA (Avicenna) Center. Based on Islamic Arab medicine books has therefore invented an original ointment extracted from
natural medical herbs which proved remarkably successful in eradicating hemorrhoids without surgery

منع نمو الشعر نهائيا - اللؤلؤةAL LOLOA

3 - منع نمو الشعر نهائيا - اللؤلؤة


PACKAGE: 15 ml bottle

Method of administration:
1 – Shake well before use
2 – Remove the hair (by any of the following methods. Depilatory tweezers or thread) .Do not bust razors removal creams blades or any of those methods through which a hair will not be removed from its bulb.
3 – Immediately after removing hair and without washing. Aqqjy the solution using either you hand or finger tips.
4 – Re-message all over coat place until product is absorbed
5 – Re-message twice a day for 30 days

Important Notice:

Sometimes .hair is not well removed and some hair is not grown enough and accordingly is not seen on skin .wherefore .some little hair to appear later (When it is grown completely) .Remove the hair repeat the process

The product is safe since it is prepared from natural herbs without adding any chemicals.
Keep in a cool dry place below 21 c...
CAUTION: Keep out of reach of children

روماتيزم (نام نام ) For rheumatic pains of the kinetic system NAM...NAM...CREAM

2 روماتيزم (نام نام (

For rheumatic pains of the kinetic system

Human kinetic system includes joints articulations muscles and vertebrae of vertebral column as well as all relevant sensory motto kinetic nerves in addition to tissues and cartilages.

Human kinetic system can many reasons be affected of rheumatism or rugosity and erosion pains

IBN-SINA center s motto and basic reference is the (Islamic Medicine) as the sh0rtest way to treat diseases yet incurable. Therefore Ibn-Sina center s devoted specialists and experts did not spare efforts to invent a new product totally free of chemicals that can effectively and efficiently put an

Finally after deep researches and hard efforts Ibn-Sina Center invented (NAM...NAM...CREAM) extracted from medical herbs. This cream is designed to exert a local action .so, It is applied to the affected area then by way of gentle and smooth massage the absorption of its active substance should be to a maximum after frequent regular applications within few weeks all rheumatic pains and sensory neuritis will disappear forever

مركز بن سينا للاعشاب IBN-SINA (AVICENNA) CENTER

مركز بن سينا للاعشاب

Address: Cairo – Arab Republic of Egypt patent sell of medical and
E-Mail: ibncinaherbals@hotmail.com cosmetic products or
Participation in production

IBN-SINA CENTER is specialized in all kinds of medical plants and natural oil.

IBN-SINA CENTER is remarkably reputed for its creative utilization of all these
Whether in the for new medical products free of any chemicals to be used in the treatment of a number of certain diseases untreated yet by modern chemical medicine or in the form of cosmetic products

IBN-SINA CENTER is very keen that all its researches studies and innovations to be conducted and carried out by well-versed and highly skilled experts and specialists. Its key references are basically the Arab and Islamic medicine books

IBN-SINA CENTER is original products were successfully welcomed by many physicians and pharmacists as well as by some major pharmaceutical companies medicaments and cosmetics in addition to a number of specialist centers
INB-SINA CENTER is medical herbs invented products have attracted as well the interest of Egyptian and Arab newspapers and magazines

IBN-SINA CENTER is displaying in the following pages some of its new medical and cosmetic products

IBN-SINA CENTER is offering these original products with the purpose of selling their invention patent or proposing the participation in their production
Tel : 012380 6064

الجمعة، 29 يناير 2010

سيرة ذاتية مهندس زراعى / عمر الدجوى

سيرة زاتية

مهندس زراعى / عمر الدجوى
* صاحب مركز أبن سينا للنباتات والزيوت الطبيعية بدأ رحلته مع الأعشاب الطبيعية بدراسته للكتب القديمة وخاصة كتب العشابين .
* يؤمن بتراث الأقدمين من الأطباء والعشابين ومنهجهم في علاج كل مريض بنبات أرضة والغذاء فيه الداء والدواء وما يعالج بالغذاء لا يعالج بالدواء والوصول للمرض من أقرب طريق إليه والمعدة بيت الداء
* ظل ينتقى النباتات الطبية من مصادرها الطبيعية خاصة النباتات البرية التي لم يتدخل في زراعتها إنسان أشاد بتجاربه كبار الأطباء والصيادلة والمرضى أجرى العديد من المناظرات العلمية مع كبار الأطباء والصيادلة وشارك في عديد من المؤتمرات مثل مؤتمر النباتات الطبية ومؤتمر المخترعين والمبتكرين ومؤتمر العلاج بمنتجات النحل ومؤتمر العلاجات الشعبية وتقنياتها
* حياته حافلة بالتفوق والنبوغ والقدرة ( بإذن الله) على شفاء العديد من الأمراض باستخدام الأعشاب وبمتابعة عديد من الأطباء والعلاجات الشعبية المختلفة .
* حاصل على دبلوم الدراسات الإسلامية وبدراسته للحضارة الإسلامية.
* تيقن أن الشفاء من الطبيعة لها مصادر مختلفة منها النباتات والزيوت والمياه والشمس والحجامة ووخز النحل ومنتجات النحل والدفن بالرمال وحمامات الأعشاب واللبخات والطين والأملاح الطبيعية والرياضة العلاجية والرقية الشرعية والغذاء والإبر الصينية والأوزون والعلاج المائي ولبن الإبل والمغناطيسي
* تابعت الصحف والمجلات المصرية والعربية وبرامج التليفزيون والإذاعة جميع إنجازاته العلمية الرائدة واكتشافاته غير المسبقة .
* عضو بجميعه منتجي ومصنعي ومصدري النباتات والزيوت الطبية وجمعية تاريخ الصيدلة .
* عضو بجمعية منتجي ومصنعي ومصدري النباتات والزيوت الطبية وجمعيه تاريخ الصيدلة.
* عضو بجمعية المخترعين والمبتكرين المصرية للعلاج الآمن .

جنين القمح

جنين القمح
( للرشاقة ولمرضى السكر والكبد والقلب وعلاج هشاشة العظام والرياضيين )

جنين القمح وجبة مشبعة D
أن جنين القمح يحتوى على 18% ألياف لذا فأن شرب الماء بعد تناول جنين القمح يعطى أحساسا بالامتلاء ولذلك فان تناول ملعقة كبيرة قبل الاكل ب 10 دقائق مع كوب ماء يعطى أحساسا بالامتلاء .
جنين القمح يقلل امتصاص الجلوكوز والدهون D
* بما أنة يحتوى على نسبة كبيرة من الالياف فأنة يعمل على أمتصاص الجلوكوز ويحول الالياف الى مركبات نافعة فى القولون لتعالج الامساك .
جنين القمح يساعد على أحتراق الدهون D
* يحتوى على المنشطات الكبدية مثل الاينزتول ومجموعة فيتامين (ب) المركب التى تجعل الكبد فى صورة طيبة .
جنين القمح يحتوى على كل القيم الغذائية D
* يحتوى على البروتينات والفيتامينات وقليل من الكربوهيدرات والاحماض الدهنية . فهو يساعد على التخلص من تراكم الدهون فى الجسم لاحتوائة على حمض اللينوليك .
جنين القمح يخفض الكولسترول D
* يحتوى على حمض اللينوليك الذى لة تأثير جيد فى تخفيض كولسترول الجسم .
جنين القمح يساعد على أنتاج مركبات مضادة للسرطان D
* تمثيل الجلكتومنان فى الامعاء بواسطة بكتريا الامعاء والقولون يولد مركبات ذات تأثير للاصابة بالسرطان. ولذالك فأن جنين القمح يحتوى على نسبة كبيرة من هذة المقاومات الكميائية ومضادات الاكسدة مثل البيتاكارتين والتوكوفرول وحمض الاسكوربيك.
جنين القمح وأمراض القلب D
* أكدت أبحاث مستشفى نورثيك وجامعة بواسطن ان كمية ضئيلة من فيتامين (B) أو التوكوفيرول تحد من أصابات الذبحة الصدرية.
جنين القمح وأمراض الكبدD
* نظرا لاحتواء جنين القمح على كل أحتياجات الكبد فى صورة طبيعية فأنة يحمى الكبد من التحولات السرطانية لذا يعتبر جنين القمح هام جدا لمرضى الكبد الفيروسى والالتهابات الكبدية وتدهن الكبد.
جنين القمح للرياضيين D
* منشط + منشط + منشط – فوق مستوى التحليلات لانة طبيعى .تناول 6 ملاعق كبيرة لكى تحصل على القوة – الرشاقة – النشاط ولايوجد أعراض جانبية .
جنين القمح وهشاشة العظام D
* جنين القمح يعتبر اضافة ممتازة للوقاية وعلاج هشاشة العظام فمن المعروف ان الكالسيوم كى يمتص جيدا لابد من توافر وسط حمضى مع تواجد بروتين وكذلك فيتامين (ج) يعتبر عنصرا هاما للامتصاص فأذا توفرت وجبة من الزبادى مضافا اليها جنين القمح يوميا هذا يعنى أننا حصلنا على كالسيوم الزبادى وكذا كالسيوم جنين القمح وكذالك بروتين الزبادى وبروتين جنين القمح.
طريقة استعمال جنين القمح D
ملعقة كبيرة قبل الاكل 3 مرات يوميا مع نظام غذائى متوازن أو اضافة 2 ملعقة كبيرة على كوب الزبادى صباحا ومساء يعتبر غذاء كامل واقيا من مشاكل السكر والضغط والكلوسترول ومشاكل الكبد.

اللؤلؤة مستحضر طبيعي يمنع إنبات الشعر نهائيا

مستحضر طبيعي يمنع إنبات الشعر نهائيا
من البشرة والمناطق الغير مرغوب نموه فيها
لماذا اللؤلؤه D
E لأن حواء دائما تسعى للعناية بجمالها .. وأكثر ما يعكر صفو حياه حواء ويؤلمها نمو الشعر في مناطق بجسدها غير مرغوب نموه فيها .... خاصة المناطق الظاهرة مثل الساعد والساق والأهم الوجه ....أما المناطق الغير ظاهره خاصة العانة فوجود الشعر بتلك المنطقة يعكر ويؤخر مزاج حواء عند اللقاء الجنسي ....لذا تسعى حواء إلى استخدام أكثر من وسيله لنزع هذا الشعر مما يسبب لها الأم جسدية ونفسيه أثناء النزع ........وهكذا يستمر صراع حواء باستمرارية نمو الشعر بعد نزعه ...ونفس المشكلة تكون لدى الرجال عند ظهور ونمو شعر لديهم أعلى الذقن أو في الأذن ....ويستمر الألم الجسدي والنفسي للرجل عند نزع الشعر بتلك المناطق بالفتلة لدى الحلاق ....أو النزع بالملقاط بالمنزل .
E وقد أجتهد خبراء مركز ابن سينا للأعشاب .. لراحه وإسعاد حواء من هذا العناء المستمر.. وتم التوصل إلى مستحضر سهل الاستعمال خالي من الكيماويات وليس له أدنى أثار جانبية على البشرة .. وهذا المستحضر بتدليكه بالبشرة بعد نزع الشعر من جذوره يعمل على تغير مزاج ( PH) الدم بالبشرة فلا تستطيع بصيلات الشعر أن تتغذى على الدم بالبشرة فتره استخدام المستحضر فلا ينمو الشعر أبداً ومدى الحياة .
Ò خلاصه النباتات التالية :
* ريحان الملك * زَرٌ نباد * زنجار * سبستان
* سٌعد هندى * سقمونيا * سندروس * سوار الهند
* صمغ الكنكر * غاربقون * خرخير * قاقيا
* قصب الذريرة * قنٌدس * ورد الحمير * زيوت عطرية
* المر الحجارى *عروق الصباغين * سوار الهند
طريقه الاستخدام D
*ترج العبوة جيداً قبل الأستخدام .
* يتم أزاله الشعر من جذوره بأحد الطرق المتعارف عليها وهى ( الحلاوة – الملقاط –الشمع – الفتلة ) ... وممنوع استخدام أي وسيله لا يتم بها نزع الشعر من جذوره ومنها ( ماكينة نزع الشعر – الكريمات –الأمواس ).
*بعد نزع الشعر مباشرة يتم تدليك مستحضر اللؤلؤة بأطراف أصابع اليد بالمكان المنزوع الشعر منه مع الاطمئنان لتشرب المستحضر بالبشرة ...مع ملاحظة أن يتم ذلك بنقط من المستحضر .
*تكرر عملية التدليك الجيد للبشرة 4 مرات يومياً بالأسبوع الأول ثم ثلاث مرات يومياً بالأسابيع الثلاثة التالية .
ملاحظات حول الأستخدام D
Ò في غالب الأحيان لا يتم نزع كل الشعر بصوره جيدهً لوجود بعض الشعيرات غير مكتملة النمو ولا ترى بالعين المجردة وتمثل حوالي 20-30 % من الشعر وهذه الشعيرات بعد عده أيام يكتمل نموها ....ولمنع إنباتها ونموها يتم أتباع طريقة الاستخدام المنوه عنها أعلاه مره أخرى ....فيخلو وينعدم الشعر بذلك الموضع نهائياً.
Ò من المعتاد أن ينمو الشعر بعد نزعه من جذوره بعد حوالي 2-3 يوم... لكن توجد نسبه قليلة حوالي 2% ينمو الشعر لديهم بعد نزعه من جذوره بعد حوالي 7-14 يوم وهؤلاء شعرهم سميك وجذوره شديدة ويلزم له لمنع نموه نهائياً بمستحضر اللؤلؤة وقت أطول في الاستعمال أي يتم تكرار الاستعمال 4 مرات ( دورات ) حتى يختفي ظهور الشعر مدى الحياة .
Ò مستحضر اللؤلؤة أمن جداً للبشرة لأنه طبيعي ومجهز من نباتات طبيعية وخالي من أي إضافات كيمائية لذا ليس له أي أثار جانبية على البشرة بل له فوائد جانبية إضافية هي :
{ يزيد من نعومه ملمس الجلد .
{ يعمل على تفتيح لون الجلد .
{ يعمل على لمعان الجلد .
العبــــوةE 20 جم يحفظ في مكان بارد أقل من 21م
الصلاحية Eصالح مده عامين من تاريخ الإنتاج يحفظ بعيداً عن متناول الأطفال –للاستعمال الظاهري فقط .
الإنتــــاج E ابن سينا

دهان الرازى للصداع

دهان الرازى للصداع
أسبابه D
* ارتفاع ضغط الدم الحاد
* التهاب جيوب أنفيه
* قصور وانحراف النظر
* التهاب الآذن الوسطى
* مشاكل بالأسنان
* إمساك
* ما قبل الدورة الشهرية
Ò ما سبق وغيره كثير يحدث تغيرات في أوعيه وعضلات الرأس ....
Ò وقد توصل أبى بكر الرازى أشهر وأعظم أطباء الدولة العباسية إلى ابتكار دهان طبيعي يتم تدليكه بموضع الصداع وقت حدوثه فيعمل على ارتخاء عضلات الرأس والأوعية وبتكرار استعماله مع كل نوبة صداع تخف حدته حتى يزول الصداع نهائياً وبلا عوده وقد أجتهد خبراء مركز أبن سينا إلى تطوير ابتكار الرازى بإضافة أسرار أخرى إليه من الطبيعة حتى تم اختصار زمن الشفاء النهائي من الصداع إلى شهران وللحالات الحادة 3 شهور لا يتعدى شهران .
التركيب D
أ { زيوت طبيعية
* زيت حنا * زيت مسير القرع * زيت الغار
* زيت ليمون هندى * زيت الحبة السوداء * زيت الينسون
ب{ خلاصه نباتات :
* البسباسة * الكرفس البرى
* لحاء الصفصاف * زهره الخزامى
* السذاب * أكليل الجبل
*العبهر * العظلم
طريقه الاستعمال D
1 { وقت حدوث نوبة الصداع يتم خفض الإضاءة بالغرفة ومن الأفضل أن تكون الغرفة بعيده عن الضوضاء ويتم إيقاف التكيف أو المروحة .
2 { يتولى شخص أخر " أن أمكن " تدليك موضع الصداع وقمة الرأس بالدهان وذلك بأطراف الأصابع جيداً لمدة لا تقل عن خمس دقائق ..وعلى المصدوع أثناء التدليك أن يشغل نفسه وقلبه وعقلة ولسانه بنعم الله عليه ويشكره على نعمه بالحمد والتسبيح .
3 { بعد الاطمئنان لتشرب الدهان يلبس المصدوع طاقية لمده حوالي ربع ساعة ويقوم بتشغيل التكيف بدرجه برودة معقولة أو المروحة شرط ألا يكون هوائها مباشر عليه .
4 { يجب تناول مشروب فاتر طبيعي محلى بعسل نحل بعد الانتهاء من التدليك
5 { تناول مخلوط عسل نحل + غذاء ملكات النحل + حبوب اللقاح يوميا لمدة 3 شهور
6 { في حاله وجود حساسية جيوب أنفيه تعالج بقطرة أبن سينا للأنف .
الآثار الجانبية E لا توجد أدنى أثار جانبيه على البشرة أو الرأس أو غيره أو الشعر بل يفيد الشعر.
نسبه النجاح E
90-95 % مع الشفاء التام بفضل الله .
العبــــــــــوة E 20 جم زيوت وخلاصات طبيعية خاليه من الكيماويات للاستعمال الظاهري فقط .
الصلاحيـــــــة E عامان من تاريخ الإنتاج شرط الحفظ في مكان أقل من 21 ْم وبعيدا عن متناول الأطفال .

أعشاب ابن سينا للسكر

أعشاب ابن سينا للسكر


أسبابها D

E كثيرة منها السمنة - التوتر - الوراثة مما يؤدى إلى اختلال غده البنكرياس فتتكاسل عن أداء وظائفها الحيوية وأهمها إفراز الأنسولين .

أعراضه D

E زيادة التبول وعطش شديد مع شهيه للأكل ونقص الوزن ووهن وحكه والتهاب الفرج والمهبل .

حصائص أعشاب السكر D

E تعمل على تنشيط غده البنكرياس وتجديد خلاياها تدريجياً بحيث تعود إلى إنتاج الأنسولين ويتم شفاء البنكرياس نهائياً ويصبح المريض بلا مرض ويعيش حياه مستقره بلا دواء .


E لالوب - غرنوق - ورق توت - قصعين - شوفان - حبه غاليه - ورق آس - برابكس

طريقه الاستعمال D

* سف ملعقة صغيرة بماء على الريق وقبل النوم يومياً

*مع المتابعة الطبية لنسبة السكر في الدم دورياً أثناء تناول الأعشاب ويتم تناول أدوية السكر المعتادة سواء أقراص أو حقن أنسولين والإقلال من تناولها تدريجيا كلما حدث تحسن في مستوى السكر بالدم وعند الوصول إلى المستوى العادي للسكر بالدم يتم الاستغناء عن الأدوية الغربية .

* يتم الاستمرار في تناول الأعشاب لمدة شهر بعد الشفاء من السكر ثم الامتناع عن تناول أى دواء عشبي أو كيميائي مدى الحياة لكن مع الالتزام بنظام غذائي صحي وقائي من الإمراض

الممنوعات أثناء العلاج D

Ò الامتناع عن تناول مصنعات اللحوم من لانشون وهامبرجر .. الخ - الوجبات الجاهزة الأجنبية - الشاي الأسمر - المياه الغازية - المعلبات بأنواعها - مصنعات الدقيق الفاخر وممنوع مصنعات الألبان من جبن مطبوخ وجيلاتى والمشهيات من مستردة وكاتشب - موز- بسله خضراء - لفت -أناناس -بلح -تين - المسبك - المقلي - المخلل.

Ò الإقلال من الدهون - النشويات - السكريات

المطلوب أثناء العلاج D

Ò الطعام بزيت زيتون وزيت بذر كتان فقط

Ò الاهتمام بتناول الخضراوات الخضراء طازجة أو مسلوقة.

Ò الاهتمام بتناول البقوليات والحبوب من عدس ولوبيا وفاصوليا وبسلة جافة لكن تنقع 24 ساعة ويلقى ماءها وتسلق ويعصر عليها ليمون

Ò تناول3 بصله كبيرة طازجة يومياً .

Ò تناول مخلوط عسل نحل + غذاء ملكات + حبوب لقاح

Ò الاهتمام بإجازة آخر الأسبوع وقضائها على شاطئ أو حديقة أو المدن الجديدة

Ò تناول خبز شعير والتلبينة

Ò يضاف للوجبات كمون وكركم وزنجبيل وليمون وزعتر

Ò تناول الرمان بقشرة

Ò عمل تمارين لتنفس عميق خمس مرات بالدقيقة مع حبس النفس لثوانى وقت الشروق والغروب

Ò شكر المولى عز وجل على كل النعم وعدم نسيان التسمية على الطعام ثم الحمد لله

Ò من المهم عدم الوصول للشبع ويمكن زيادة عدد الوجبات يوميا

Ò تناول بذور نابته مثل حلبه وفول نابت

Ò تغلى ملعقة كبيرة ملح + قليل من الشطه أو ملعقة كبيرة زنجبيل في حلة ماء وتنقع بها القدمين وتدلك نصف ساعة يوميا وتدلك بزيت زيتون .

Ò البعد عن التوتر.

Ò تحليه المشروبات الدافئة بعسل نحل أبن سينا.

Ò الاهتمام برياضه المشي ساعة يومياً.

مدة الاستعمال E من 5 -7 شهور للمريض الذي يحقن بالأنسولين .

E من 3-4 شهور للمريض الذي يتناول أقراص السكر.

الآثار الجانبية E لا تــــــــو جـــــــــــــــــــد

العبــــــــــوة E 100 جم نباتات طبيعية طبيه منتقاة بعناية خاليه من الكيماويات .

إنتــــــــــــاج E أبن سينا